Don Van Winkle


My hope is that clients and prospects can easily find helpful information and a deeper explanation of concepts. These options, in conjunction with my blog, should encourage serendipitous discovery of insights. Please share with colleagues. Or, if you prefer, ask me directly about what you find.

The CEO Decision Filter – When you go through the process of deliberating and considering these three elements in the filter, trying to balance what’s most important, you’ll find important insights.

Checklist: Effective CDOs – A solid place to begin as you evaluate the role of a CDO and the business needs inherent in the position.

Capital is Sourced from Six Categories – At those times when you must converse with others who have walked in your shoes, this should be one of your initial calls. They know your challenges and understand.

Your Outsourced CDO – Checklists are helpful to ensure that you cover all the bases. From equity to debt, retained earning to refinancing, use this thorough resource to your advantage.

The Multifaceted Benefits of Vistage® – The breadth of knowledge and expertise needed to thrive in the position is immense and not to be underestimated. What elements have you neglected?